Sustainability Policy Template

This is an Environmental and Sustainability Policy Template to adapt for your own use and to help you think through some of the practical actions your organisation can take to become more environmentally sustainable.

You may also find these resources helpful:

Going Green. Charities and Environmental Responsibility.

Free Eco-audits for London Based Organisations

Office Energy Efficiency Guides

Saving Water in the Workplace

Hippo ‘Grants Up for Grabs’ scheme. (Free waste disposal help for UK charities and community groups).

Organisations interested in moving to net zero may find these resources helpful:

ACEVO – Climate Emergency Resources

Charity Finance Group – Net Zero and Charities



This template covers some of the main areas you may need to consider in this area, but you will need to read it in the context of your own organisation, which may mean amendments to make it fully relevant are necessary. It does not constitute legal advice and further steps may be necessary to ensure you comply with current UK legislation.